Regularly check your credit report to ensure that all information related to your credit payments is correct. Contrary to what most people believe, if YOU regularly check your credit score, it does not have a negative effect on your score. It will only be affected if third parties (e.g. credit providers) are frequently requesting your credit score, as this indicates that you may be applying for credit too often.
- If your credit report shows that you have outstanding payments, you must ensure that you settle the amounts due, or alternatively call your credit provider and make a payment arrangement. Ignoring the issues highlighted on your credit report will continue to negatively affect your score, until you address them. Credit providers look more favourably on someone who has made an arrangement to replay overdue debt, rather than those who ignore it.
- Should you find a mistake on your credit report, you have the right to contact a credit bureau to dispute it. Finfind recommends contacting CPB and provide them with the information they request, and you will be notified that your dispute has been received.
- An investigation will then take place. The credit or data provider is given the opportunity to respond to your dispute by providing evidence that the information on your credit profile is correct.
- If the information is found to be valid, the information will be kept on your profile. However, if the information is not denied by the credit provider or the credit provider agrees that the information is incorrect, the incorrect information will be removed from your credit profile within 20 business days.
- If you are not satisfied with the process at the credit bureau you are welcome to seek the assistance of the Credit Ombud or the National Credit Regulator in the resolution of your dispute.